[influxdb] Line protocol and HTTP API
2018-05-24 13:17:58 UTC

I have a local running InfluxDB server and I’ve created a database called

I am trying to write to the HTTP API, with a measurement name of ‘locust’
and a tag ‘Name-urlBash’, all the rest are fields.

*curl -i -XPOST 'http://localhost:8086/write?db=mongodb' --data-binary
'locust,Name=urlBash requests=314457,failures=0,Median response time=1,Min
response time=0,Max response time=328,Requests\/s=3.30'*

There are no errors returned, but no measurement. Could anyone tell me
where I am going wrong?

Many Thanks

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2018-05-24 13:56:57 UTC
Error = bash: --data-binary: command not found
When --data-binary is in the curl man page!

On 5/24/2018 at 2:18 PM, ***@hushmail.com wrote: InlfuxDBers,

I have a local running InfluxDB server and I’ve created a database
called “mongodb”

I am trying to write to the HTTP API, with a measurement name of
‘locust’ and a tag ‘Name-urlBash’, all the rest are fields.

curl -i -XPOST 'http://localhost:8086/write?db=mongodb'; --data-binary
'locust,Name=urlBash requests=314457,failures=0,Median response
time=1,Min response time=0,Max response time=328,Requests/s=3.30'

There are no errors returned, but no measurement. Could anyone tell me
where I am going wrong?

Many Thanks


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