[influxdb] Can you use a regex to insert into a new measurement?
2017-06-27 07:51:00 UTC
Hi all,

My current situation is as follows: customers can create transactions on my website. These transactions are stored in a separate measurement for each customer. These measurements follow the naming scheme [customerId]-transactions. So for example, a customer with ID 123 would have the measurement with name "123-transactions". An example row in these measurements would be:

Timestamp | Value | Country | CustomCode
121245561 | 12.56 | USA | abc123
121245572 | 22 | Germany | foobar

The country is a tag, and there are a couple more tags in this measurement which are not shown in this example. The CustomCode is a field, as there are a lot of unique ones for each customer. I would like to be able to turn CustomCode into a tag, as I want to do groupby queries on that with high performance. However, combined with other tags this would greatly increase cardinality.

To be able to do group by queries on CustomCode, I would like to create a continuous query that takes the value of CustomCode and inserts it into a new measurement as its only tag. I have figured out how to do a select query from all [customerId]-transactions measurements at the same time. However, I would like to create a single continuous query that creates a new measurement for each existing measurement. So if I have two measurements called "123-transactions" and "456-transactions", I would like to create two new measurements "123-transactions-groupedByCustomCode" and "456-transactions-groupedByCustomCode".

Is this possible with a single continuous query?
Remember to include the version number!
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