[influxdb] Docker setup for InfluxDB ecosystem
2017-11-03 19:16:32 UTC
I am trying to deploy influxdb ecosystem using docker containers. I am using AWS ECS service to manage containers. Is there a recommended approach in using influxdb as containers? If not, then to come up with a soution, i need your feedback on using following pieces in my design :-
1) Can we use AWS EFS system (Amazon's NFS) for storing influxdb data/wal/meta?
2) If EFS can be used then can we have multiple influxdb containers running concurrently behind a load balancer and sharing the same database on EFS? Not sure if there will be issues with concurrency?
3) If EFS is not recommended and we resort to use EBS, then to take backups what is better, software level backup using native influxdb backup command or EBS snapshots and store them in S3?
4) can Kapacitor, chronograf store their backend DB on EFS?

Would you recommend me to follow a specific design?
Remember to include the version number!
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