[influxdb] Need Logical help in alerting on Kapacitor when a row is added
Arushi Gangrade
2018-03-21 18:48:52 UTC
Hi All

I found about this mailing list after going through some Github Issues
solved. I have a problem statement and I am not able to find an efficient
logic for this.

I have a measurement in InfluxDb called version which tracks the version of
systems. I would like to get an alert by Kapacitor, whenever a newer
version is added. For ex-

Timestamp System ID System Name Version
some time 1 a 1
some time 2 b 1.3
some time 3 c 1.4

current time 1 a 1.5
So when I change the version to 1.5, it adds another row to the
measurement. I would like to get an alert on this.

Another way to store version is to combine with our cpu metric. In this
case whenever a datapoint is sent to the measurement, version would be sent
too, and whenever the version does not match the previous version for that
system id, it should generate an alert.

In this approach, I thought I could use the batch alerts, and i was able to
narrow down the last 2 updates made. I thought I could run a difference
operation and if the value is non zero then there was a version change.

Timestamp System ID System Name Cpu value Version
some time 1 a 50 1
some time 1 a 52 1
some time 1 a 53 1.3
some time 1 b 60 1
some time 1 b 61 1
some time 1 b 63 1.5
I am not sure on how to approach this very efficiently. Any help is
appreciated. Thanks

Best Regards
Remember to include the version number!
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