[influxdb] There was an error writing history file: open : The system cannot find the file specified.
2016-10-11 17:32:50 UTC
Hello all, I get this error (on the title) every time. I am use Windows 2008 R2 64 bit, 4 cpu / 16 G mem. I tried set home=E:\influxdb-1.0.1_windows_amd64\influxdb-1.0.1-1\influxd.exe, don't help. Please help. Thanks in advance.

[run] 2016/10/11 10:09:47 InfluxDB starting, version 1.0.1, branch master, commi
t 8b354f72951f50b130894dddee2e05149a1801d8
[run] 2016/10/11 10:09:47 Go version go1.6.2, GOMAXPROCS set to 4
[run] 2016/10/11 10:09:47 no configuration provided, using default settings
[store] 2016/10/11 10:09:47 Using data dir: C:\Users\jkong3\.influxdb\data
[cacheloader] 2016/10/11 10:09:47 reading file C:\Users\jkong3\.influxdb\wal\_in
ternal\monitor\3\_00001.wal, size 10487628
[filestore] 2016/10/11 10:09:47 C:\Users\jkong3\.influxdb\data\_internal\monitor
\2\000000001-000000001.tsm (#0) opened in 62.3868ms
[cacheloader] 2016/10/11 10:09:47 reading file C:\Users\jkong3\.influxdb\wal\_in
ternal\monitor\2\_00006.wal, size 0
[filestore] 2016/10/11 10:09:47 C:\Users\jkong3\.influxdb\data\_internal\monitor
\1\000000001-000000001.tsm (#0) opened in 62.3868ms
[cacheloader] 2016/10/11 10:09:48 reading file C:\Users\jkong3\.influxdb\wal\_in
ternal\monitor\1\_00006.wal, size 0
[shard] 2016/10/11 10:09:48 C:\Users\jkong3\.influxdb\data\_internal\monitor\2 d
atabase index loaded in 233.9505ms
[store] 2016/10/11 10:09:48 C:\Users\jkong3\.influxdb\data\_internal\monitor\2 o
pened in 311.934ms
[shard] 2016/10/11 10:09:48 C:\Users\jkong3\.influxdb\data\_internal\monitor\1 d
atabase index loaded in 140.3703ms
[store] 2016/10/11 10:09:48 C:\Users\jkong3\.influxdb\data\_internal\monitor\1 o
pened in 311.934ms
[cacheloader] 2016/10/11 10:09:53 reading file C:\Users\jkong3\.influxdb\wal\_in
ternal\monitor\3\_00002.wal, size 5662241
[cacheloader] 2016/10/11 10:09:55 reading file C:\Users\jkong3\.influxdb\wal\_in
ternal\monitor\3\_00003.wal, size 172104
[cacheloader] 2016/10/11 10:09:55 reading file C:\Users\jkong3\.influxdb\wal\_in
ternal\monitor\3\_00004.wal, size 0
[shard] 2016/10/11 10:09:55 C:\Users\jkong3\.influxdb\data\_internal\monitor\3 d
atabase index loaded in 0
[store] 2016/10/11 10:09:55 C:\Users\jkong3\.influxdb\data\_internal\monitor\3 o
pened in 7.4552226s
[subscriber] 2016/10/11 10:09:55 opened service
[monitor] 2016/10/11 10:09:55 Starting monitor system
[monitor] 2016/10/11 10:09:55 'build' registered for diagnostics monitoring
[monitor] 2016/10/11 10:09:55 'runtime' registered for diagnostics monitoring
[monitor] 2016/10/11 10:09:55 'network' registered for diagnostics monitoring
[monitor] 2016/10/11 10:09:55 'system' registered for diagnostics monitoring
[shard-precreation] 2016/10/11 10:09:55 Starting precreation service with check
interval of 10m0s, advance period of 30m0s
[snapshot] 2016/10/11 10:09:55 Starting snapshot service
[admin] 2016/10/11 10:09:55 Starting admin service
[admin] 2016/10/11 10:09:55 Listening on HTTP: [::]:8083
[continuous_querier] 2016/10/11 10:09:55 Starting continuous query service
[httpd] 2016/10/11 10:09:55 Starting HTTP service
[httpd] 2016/10/11 10:09:55 Authentication enabled: false
[httpd] 2016/10/11 10:09:55 Listening on HTTP: [::]:8086
[retention] 2016/10/11 10:09:55 Starting retention policy enforcement service wi
th check interval of 30m0s
[run] 2016/10/11 10:09:55 Listening for signals
[monitor] 2016/10/11 10:09:55 Storing statistics in database '_internal' retenti
on policy 'monitor', at interval 10s
2016/10/11 10:09:55 Sending usage statistics to usage.influxdata.com
[httpd] ::1 - - [11/Oct/2016:10:11:06 -0700] "GET /ping HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "Inf
luxDBShell/1.0.1" b21bf8eb-8fd5-11e6-8001-000000000000 0
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2016-10-11 21:13:01 UTC
What I did was download the latest zip, unzip to some local drive. Started up by double click on the influxd.exe with no modify to the influxdb.conf file. You should be able to reproduce this. Thanks.
Remember to include the version number!
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2016-10-12 09:53:36 UTC
Post by e***@gmail.com
What I did was download the latest zip, unzip to some local drive. Started up by double click on the influxd.exe with no modify to the influxdb.conf file. You should be able to reproduce this. Thanks.
Hi, I'm running on Windows 10 and had this error until I set the environmental variable HOME to the directory that stores the executables, not the full path of the executable as you have posted.

So try again with 'set home=E:\influxdb-1.0.1_windows_amd64\influxdb-1.0.1-1' and it should work for you.

Hope this helps.
Remember to include the version number!
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2016-10-12 15:54:13 UTC
I did it on 2 different computers. Go to DOS prompt, run that command, start up again, same error, restart computer, same error. If I ran into this, does Sean from Influxdb can repro that?
show databases
name: databases

There was an error writing history file: open : The system cannot find the file
Remember to include the version number!
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2016-10-12 16:17:29 UTC
Got it to work. The command line don't work for me. I tried on 2 different PCs. However, works in GUI way by go to System Properties - > Environment Variables - > Add an User Variables for my profile, name = HOME value = E:\influxdb-1.0.1_windows_amd64\influxdb-1.0.1-1 (or whatever your path to unzip folder name). Required to restart. Then works after that.

Sean, if you update your website so other won't run into the same thing would be great. Thanks all.
Remember to include the version number!
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2016-11-02 08:23:13 UTC
Post by e***@gmail.com
Got it to work. The command line don't work for me. I tried on 2 different PCs. However, works in GUI way by go to System Properties - > Environment Variables - > Add an User Variables for my profile, name = HOME value = E:\influxdb-1.0.1_windows_amd64\influxdb-1.0.1-1 (or whatever your path to unzip folder name). Required to restart. Then works after that.
Sean, if you update your website so other won't run into the same thing would be great. Thanks all.
Yes, for me it is not showing error message after set Environment variable HOME with C:\Users\...\influxdb-1.0.2_windows_amd64\influxdb-1.0.2-1
Remember to include the version number!
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2017-11-30 13:43:38 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
Yes, for me it is not showing error message after set Environment variable HOME with C:\Users\...\influxdb-1.0.2_windows_amd64\influxdb-1.0.2-1
Can you change this to something more sensible, maybe INFLUX_HOME?
Remember to include the version number!
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2018-02-22 23:26:39 UTC
Post by g***@gmail.com
Post by s***@gmail.com
Yes, for me it is not showing error message after set Environment variable HOME with C:\Users\...\influxdb-1.0.2_windows_amd64\influxdb-1.0.2-1
Can you change this to something more sensible, maybe INFLUX_HOME?
on Windows, there's a built-in variable called HOMEPATH which is similar to the built-in Linux $home variable. Perhaps Influx CLI should use this as the default value?
Remember to include the version number!
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2018-02-22 23:28:38 UTC
Post by g***@gmail.com
Post by s***@gmail.com
Yes, for me it is not showing error message after set Environment variable HOME with C:\Users\...\influxdb-1.0.2_windows_amd64\influxdb-1.0.2-1
Can you change this to something more sensible, maybe INFLUX_HOME?
On Windows, there's a built-in variable called HOMEPATH which is similar to the built-in Linux $HOME variable. Perhaps Influx CLI should use this as the default value?
Remember to include the version number!
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